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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Boys rugby

Aidee is really getting into his rugby these days - and he's quite quick and runs straight with quite a wicked side-step.  He plays centre or wing (but has also managed to wangle being the hooker somehow when they have scrums - which are partially contested front row only affairs)
Evan on his way to the try-line - because the fields at Sandy Bay are quite far apart, and three of their four games overlapped (they each play 4 x 20 minute games at a festival) I only got to watch Ev playing one game, which was a pity; Ev likes the rough stuff.
The rugby tournaments are popular with the amateur photography clubs in Hong Kong (of which there are many) so this is what the side of the field can look like - not unlike playing at Eden Park or some such :-)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A new snoot

In the wee hours of last night's journey into this morning I built a new snoot by modifying one that fits on a studio flash so that it goes on my speedlight and can take gel filters.  The idea is to have it throwing a confined but diffuse pool of light, as you can see in the pic of me at the bottom (there was no-one else around to oblige ;-).  Late this afternoon we went to the beach to see if we could catch a couple of waves - it was lovely, cool, pleasant breeze - water was fine and there was a bit of swell - about right for Aiden and Ev (the boys were sporting their hand-me-down wetsuits - never a good idea taking kids out when they have wetsuits and you dont - brrrr by the end). So I took the snoot along (not that you really need it in that kind of space) and shot some tungsten yellow gel shots of the sort that Jens taught me years ago - I think they are pretty cool though - nutella on Aiden's face - "petrol" in the car on the way to the beach.