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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Short weeks starting

A pretty standard weekend has just passed, but what a treat. I'm finding that I really need these, and am starting to think that I've gone too long without a holiday. I hope your term has passed meaningfully, and that you have plentry in your easter hols to look forward to. Despite a grey day we went to the beach yesterday, not a huge success, but we needed to go to a particular place, miles away, so that we could get Aiden a boogy board for his birthday on Thursday. The place that sold the boogy boards also rents out surfboards, so we hired one, principally as a distraction from the boogyboard transaction. I waded out with Aiden and made him lie down on it, waited for a broken wave (in the shallows) and gave him a push into it - off he went, boogy-board style. Then at some point he decided he should stand up - so he did - and cruised along. I was pretty amazed, and he was very chuffed. What's the big challenge, like? However, he then spent the rest of our time in the water trying to do it again - but alas - never quite regained his initial glory run. He did however do a spectacular face plant, somehow managed to get face first into the sand with his mouth open - took a bite out of the beach so to speak. Not to be recommended. Ev had a short go on the surfboard, lying down, with Aiden in front of him, but they wiped out pretty early on, and of course Ev fell in, but couldn't stand up because Aiden's leg was on his head. When I pulled him up he was already pretty cross about it all, and went to sit on the beach between Ange's legs looking out like some angry little animal. There's a dodgy typhoon battered little restaurant on the beach that makes pizza and chips, in both instances well, so some blue lipped troops had a quick chowdown and that lifted the moods. Looking forward to next weekend - four days - oh yes, having a party for Aiden on Thursday, and then not sure what next. Keen to get my boat licence sorted out, because I saw our mate Kevin this morning and they're off to Dai Long Wan to go camping, which is absolutely the thing to be doing. So that's something that needs to be sorted now that my SFC banking thing is behind me. The one below is from the set before - just a reminder to keep on the level there mate, the big A is watching.

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