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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Seventy Five!

I think its quite a thing to reach seventy five - particularly in really good shape. We had a cake - cheating on the candles of course, and I had to marvel at how lives diverge; born on armistice day in 1934 in the tiny Eastern Cape dorpie of Alice, followed by a life lived on three continents, and reaching this point, seventy five years later, with a fabulous sixteen year old young man as a grand-son, a family living on two further continents, two Australian grand-children, two other grand children who will grow up learning Chinese. The 11th of November 1934 was a Sunday - considerate of Granpa George. Mao Tse Tung was busy with his long march - this having started in October 1934 - an event that is interwoven into the existence of modern China; the bank robber Baby Face Nelson was shot by the FBI (if you've recently seen the movie Public Enemies - with Johnny Depp); Katherine Hepburn was on the cover of Movie Magazine, which cost 10c - the same price as one gallon of petrol - that's four litres. In my new line of business, it's also the year that President Rooseveldt signed the law that gave rise to the US Securities Exchanges Commission.

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