Welcome to Joshua Online

Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

In the photo business

Jens and I have got our photography business up and going, it's called Fab Photos. We initially thought of a number of more slick sounding names, but settled on this one because it directly states what we aim to take, and fits the Hong Kong Chinese market, which appreciates direct, short names. We aim to work two Saturdays and two evenings a month, and use the proceeds to buy camera equipment that we don't have but would enable us to take on increasingly sophisticated jobs. So that in a nutshell is the business plan; nothing too complex, and very much letting us live out our passion. We also have good set of complimentary skills, which I think is important in the context of micro-businesses. The photo above is an example of the sort of stuff that we do - in this case a job for a family who wanted informal style photos of their kids. We've got what is effectively a portable studio, and this means that we can go to people rather than have them going to a studio; we think this is a competetive advantage. There certainly seems to be plenty of work. The photo below is from last Saturday, and is intended to show how the portable studio works, and the kind of work that this involves; in this instance it was about engaging and managing the kids more than taking the photos. We are working again this Saturday at a charity event. Then we have a job for a theatre company and a rugby club. So no problem so far, and cause for optimism looking forward.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Some weekend images

I'll need to tidy this up somewhat, but thought I'd post them anyway - a series of weekend images. Hope you enjoy some of them.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The boat arrives - yeeeeeha

I came home last night to find Jens and Rob arrow wheeling our old-new boat into my car's parking spot, so kind of them to do it; so kind of Simon to give it to us - just down right exciting all round. The boys went ballistic; they didn't mind that it wasn't in water, they were just keen to play on it. And so this morning we were out there for a photo so that I could post it up for you. They wasted no time in checking it out thoroughly, Ev was very keen on the engine, gave it a big hug, and Aiden fancied himself as the driver, and so grabbed the throttle. I've got to take the propellor drive shaft and whatnot off tomorrow, because the casing is going to a welder to have a skeg welded on again - its supposed to stick downwards to protect the propellor. This weekend I'll take the head off so that it can go to be skimmed, and then if all goes well (it never does) I'll, sand it down, paint it and put it all together again. The boat iteself needs a good clean, barnacles taken off and some bits and pieces stuck down. I think it will be a lot of work, but so worthwhile; its a machine this thing when working; that motor is 900cc, and it's two stroke - there's not much in the way of weight that it drives either, so you can imagine how it accellerates. I've got to go and do a Masters and Engineers licences, not fun work-wise, but I hope that it (and not the repairs) will be the biggest barrier to getting out on the water.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A proper smile from Ev

I continue to pursue pics of Evan smiling; he's a tricky one to take pics of because he is so perpetually busy. But if you've got the gear at the right time, no problem - early in the morning having escaped his cot, with a bowl of tasty morning biscuits (which ironically he doesn't eat, just likes to hold, because he knows that Aiden likes them - in other words, scuffle coming).

Trent Parke

For some super photography, check out Trent Parke at Magnum. The Magnum agency is the BIG stuff of photography name wise. This is an Australian guy, who is now keeping amazing company. He's got a set called "minutes to midnight" which I think is hugely beautiful. Here are some examples which I got from the Magnum site to show you, hence the writing on them - and these are proper pictures, no build-ups in Photoshop here: http://www.magnumphotos.com/Archive/C.aspx?VP=XSpecific_MAG.PhotographerDetail_VPage&l1=0&pid=2K7O3R13MZYS&nm=Trent+Parke

The rest of the site contains some of the greats, worth a visit if you like these, and their blog is very interesting too, super-photojournalism.

The first one is of a rally car racing in the desert, you have to look carefully to see the detail; what do you think of the second?

Moving on from cars

I thought this might be a good way to move on from the car theme for a while - though I will always be looking for the ones that I know you deeply like, Zonda, Veyron etc. I thought this was a nice little Hong Kong shot - lined up in the parking lot, a Vantage, a F430 and an F612. All their number plates are CL something - so I suspect owned by the same person; too much of a coincidence not to be. And think about the dilemma it creates. Which one should I drive to work? Mmm, can't make up my mind, so leave them all there, and take the bus. Life is beautiful.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Golden hour and 10 weather

Here are some pics from today, taken at what is called golden hour - late afternoon, long shadows, golden light. The place Shek O beach.

Ev likes holes a lot, so you have to dig them for him, and then he can practice climbing out, or splash in the water that comes in with the tide; but he also isn't too smart about the sea, so you have to watch him like a hawk. In a wink he's up and running for the water, keeps going too, until you stop him or he loses his balance and you fish him out. Worrying. Aiden has bruises all over his face; bathtub headbutt, coffee table cheek crash, and for desert, some bits of soggy scabby lip stuck to his front teeth courtesy high speed face landing without any landing gear; one of those fun ones with lots of blood and "do I need to get this looked at for stitching" paranoia.

These others, beautiful skies from perfect 10 score weather - sunset over Hang Hau earlier in the week, and Aiden, Ev and Ange doing a floor puzzle in the morning. This is how it works: Aiden makes a point of showing Ev the pieces; Ange helps, and together they assemble it; Evan helps and it gets disassembled; Aiden squeezes/punches/kicks Evan; Ange referees; I stash Aiden in the naughty corner.

A delight to speak earlier; such a delight.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The shot I like

This is going back, but I think I like this one best, as a photo of the red car. So predatory; and I really like the surrounding colours, the blue greys and the green windscreen. Click for a full size version if you like it. It was lovely to talk to you today; so, so lovely.

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Simple, super-creative YouTube clip

I thought this was really well done - whatchathink?


Friday, November 2, 2007

Paradise cars

I took my camera to the IFC in Central HK after work yesterday in the hope of spotting some good cars for another car challenge - and man did it deliver. I've found cars really difficult to photograph nicely, especially in parking lots, where there is a lot of background clutter, and you end up being too close to the car, or having other cars between you and the one you're trying to photograph. Then there is the light, so tricky to manage in a dirty grey underground place. But I think I'm getting better at it, and some of these came out really nicely. I've not been able to stick with my 8x10 format for these, because it would involve cutting out too much of each pic - and these cars are not in any way close to square. I'm going to start with what I think is the most beautiful car first. It's new, big, and utterly compelling. I thought the number plate was quite fun too - the person who gets one of these is definitely going to be in a state of " I owe you".

I suspect you know what it is, but if it's not clear from the picture above, you can click on this one and get the detail you need right off the door:

Then there were three Aston Martins, one of which had no space at all around it to get into, and hence the light only shot. So the challenge is to take a view on what models they are; any idea?
I also thought the personalised number plate on the first one was extraordinarily bad. You'd think if you had enough cash to buy one of these, then you could also afford to pay someone to think up a better plate for you. The middle model is older, and I thought had dated quite fast, though remained undeniably beautiful. The last one I don't think gives you enough info; so I'll add a clue - its a DB, but which one?

The final one is one of my favourites of all time - though I think now that the first one is more beautiful. It's just that this is to my thinking the "bad-ass" of Ferraris, looks like a friendly tourer, but is good for 320 kmh - yeeeeeeeeeha. What is it, (the number plate is a give-away) and, for a bonus score, what did its owner previously drive, and how do you know this?