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Friday, November 2, 2007

Paradise cars

I took my camera to the IFC in Central HK after work yesterday in the hope of spotting some good cars for another car challenge - and man did it deliver. I've found cars really difficult to photograph nicely, especially in parking lots, where there is a lot of background clutter, and you end up being too close to the car, or having other cars between you and the one you're trying to photograph. Then there is the light, so tricky to manage in a dirty grey underground place. But I think I'm getting better at it, and some of these came out really nicely. I've not been able to stick with my 8x10 format for these, because it would involve cutting out too much of each pic - and these cars are not in any way close to square. I'm going to start with what I think is the most beautiful car first. It's new, big, and utterly compelling. I thought the number plate was quite fun too - the person who gets one of these is definitely going to be in a state of " I owe you".

I suspect you know what it is, but if it's not clear from the picture above, you can click on this one and get the detail you need right off the door:

Then there were three Aston Martins, one of which had no space at all around it to get into, and hence the light only shot. So the challenge is to take a view on what models they are; any idea?
I also thought the personalised number plate on the first one was extraordinarily bad. You'd think if you had enough cash to buy one of these, then you could also afford to pay someone to think up a better plate for you. The middle model is older, and I thought had dated quite fast, though remained undeniably beautiful. The last one I don't think gives you enough info; so I'll add a clue - its a DB, but which one?

The final one is one of my favourites of all time - though I think now that the first one is more beautiful. It's just that this is to my thinking the "bad-ass" of Ferraris, looks like a friendly tourer, but is good for 320 kmh - yeeeeeeeeeha. What is it, (the number plate is a give-away) and, for a bonus score, what did its owner previously drive, and how do you know this?

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