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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Environment Conference Poster

I've just finished doing a poster - screen background actually - for our environment conference in June and thought you might like to see it. The conference is called Sustainable Schools for a Sustainable Future, and its theme is "Kick the CO2 habit". The brief was for an image that focussed on people and how it was their attitude and behaviour that mattered, not a typical pristine envoronment picture as such. The girl is Alex Mann, a friend of ours daughter who agreed to sit for a pic for the poster. In the background I've got a polarity of choices symbolising a way of living, and she is thinking about it with the planet in mind - represented by her eye being replaced with a photo of the earth from space. I really like the way the whole thing has come out, now I'm waiting for a response from the conference organiser to check that she is happy with it. Hope you like it, click it for a bigger version.

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