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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Visually bonkers

My friend Clive Kirsten I've known since I was 22, so a while now, and he lives in Hong Kong and amongst other things (he's an architect) has a canopy business. He asked me to come to an event in central last night, a corporate strategy launch party and brand-up for which he had put up a canopy, so that I could photograph it for his publicity material. As he put it he wanted photos of the people at the party interacting with the canopy. So not a picture of a marquee type structure from the outside, but rather from inside the party. As it turns out Clives canopies are very lovely, and totally flexible, designed to be put up between buildings, in tight spaces, but still covering a good area - and, and this is the interesting bit - he plans the way they are put up so that they articulate (sort of join, continue and fit with, talk a meaningful language with) - the existing structure they are next to. It was a very nice job. Very interesting visual things happening - light shows linked to big sound, good deejays, freakily dressed people, people with big hair walking on stilts - good good fun. Here are the two pics that I think I like most. I had to use a fisheye lens to get it all in, and suck in light, no flash allowed, click if you want to see them bigger. I think the first of the two below is most likely what he will want - shape and articulation is clear - corporate application clear; the stuff above is more likely to frighten conservative Hong Kong event planners off than anything else - but it is still vgroovy.

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