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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Short sharp weekend

We ran a conference on Saturday, fortunately only up to lunch time - so I was home by 2.45 and we went to the beach on a muggy flat greasy sweaty-air afternoon. Half of Tseung Kwan O decided to do the same, so it was packed, and the sea was greasy and lazy like everyone else. The boys had a blast though - always do: the usual fare - boogy board - no waves so dad gets to jelly his way along at high speed towing. The canto-kids think this is very funny, so they sort of chase you, which is a bit funny. Ev dug holes.

This morning we went to the Sai Kung pool, Aiden is very nearly swimming independently, so we are keen to keep up the water time outside his lessons until he's got it. I bought a magazine for a bit of a treat - and it was - read an article about a photographer called Karsh who went penniless to Canada from Armenia and ended up becoming one of the great portrait photographers of all time. Lots of his images are architypal - Churchill, Einstein etc - the people you know are his images. This evening I put up some lights in our room to take some portraits of the two of them. Ev arrived for the show looking like the wild-man he is - a morning in the water and an afternoon on the prowl does nothing for his hairstyle - I also had the light settings out - so he looks a bit jaundiced.

I really liked these ones of the boys together. I have to be quick with these because the behaviour deteriorates rapido. I have one like this that I took a year ago, hence the desire to repeat them. I think they'd look better in black and white to be honest, but I need to get to bed and I'll be fiddling around with them for a week if I start now. They all look a bit darker than they are in thumbnail.

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