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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Chaiwan Loft

On Friday night I went to a dinner in a wildly stylized and cool place, a factory space converted into a loft apartment, by a Swiss woman I know, Jacqueline, and her partner David. Outside, industrial wreckage, inside superchic artspace. Check out some of the details - like the sculpture of the three burned matches behind her to the left. The pic here does it no justice - wrong lens, 35mm - need about an 18 to get it in meaningfully. All you can see here is a part of the lounge and the very corner of the dining room. As a piece of art, an 850cc Triumph, unusual but nice; the floor grey sealed concrete. I'm going back to do do some photos for her, of art from the Philippines which she sells, and I'll have some additional lights and the right glass to get something much better. I like the light dynamic - the lamp as a halo, connecting Jacqui to my friend Jacques Perche - matching names too, now that I think about it.

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