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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Black and white people in Thailand

It seems in the nature of the-last-thing-first of blog postings that stuff can get ahead of itself - so it might make sense to go back one post - these are some people shots from the same time.

Things did not get off to a great start - Ev had an allergic reaction to something unknown, which resulted in this outrageous rash on his feet and legs and the rest of him covered in little spots (!). So it was off to the clinic, and some monster injection deep into his right butt cheek - he was not a happy camper.

A day and a half later the rash had largely disappeared and the only remaining symptom of whatever it was was a set of particularly shiny red apple cheeks (maybe it was the sun-cream that he was allergic to?)

On some of the days there was no surf at all, which meant sand construction only.

Ange walks past one of the boys' beach fortifications - Richard's first beach maxim: a hole is worth ten castles.

Cheeks back to normal, at the Reggae Bar on Layan Beach

A secret whispered while waiting for lunch - beach hunger being the towering thing that it is.

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