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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Brett turns 50

Dana and Brett in 2003
Courtney, Allie and Dana in 2005
Brett Free, who you met in HK (and who we just love to bits) turned 50 on the 9th of April.  He has been super-kind to us from the day we arrived in Hong Kong, and with his family who have been equally so, has been a true friend and support since.  I was chatting to Greg Hagen last night, and he put it simply and perfectly - Brett is one of those rare people who always gives more than he receives.  And as simple as that may seem - almost a worn out concept too - it is completely accurate, in all aspects of life for Brett.  It is a rare thing.  He's also not someone who is into stuff - and is difficult to buy a prezzie for - so I phoned Allie and asked her if she and Dana would be willing to go under the lights for a picture for him - and not only did they agree, but Carrie, who is just a dynamite human being, offered to come too.  In my experience asking anyone to stand for a pic usually gets a no answer - but this is especially so for women over 40 - so I was able to take a pic of all the Free girls, so to speak.  The thing that was best about it was that he was really happy to get the photo - which of course makes it a true delight to be doing. 
Dana, Carrie and Allie - birthday portrait April 2012

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