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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Liz and Pete's

Liz and Pete have moved back to HK from London - and have a really cool house on the water in Lobster Bay - the other side of Sheung Sze Wan.  They invited us around for a Sunday arvie drink and a boerie roll - whatever that is in English (tasty).

Nice to have a pool, with a glass front, right on the water...Ev doesn't waste those opportunities (this child always manages to look slightly disheveled - how's the swimming costume?).  He put in a good chunk of time in the water, enough to build up a bit of a great white shark hunger, three hotdogs paid the price, in quick succession, when he eventually got out.  No rocking tonight, and definitely his mother's child in terms of metabolism.

Aiden's leg is pretty much tip top now - had the stitches out last week, I should have taken a pic to finish off the implicit leg series - tomorrow perhaps.  He gave the pool a skip in favour of  bat and ball - Daisy was fully involved, of course; added incentive to keep the rally going.

Brett and Carry - I know I say it a million times - but I do just love these people to the absolute max (and like the tree silhouette in the background too).
Ange kicking back - in a really good space she is after a nasty couple of weeks (work, leg, school stuff, sorting stuff out with her bathroom fittings distribution business plans).
School holidays here = small packs of teenagers; offsets all us increasingly aging old farts quite nicely.

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