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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Attack of the lens killing mould...

My regular lens stopped working which was considerably frustrating. It's now at Canon getting fixed, which means having the motor inside replaced - it's been trashed by mould - literally ground to a halt under the weight of a nice furry little invader. So while this happens all I have is my cheap and nasty (but it must be said, wholly sharp and reliable) 50mm portrait lens - which has as one of it's features a very wide aperture, allowing you to soften detial on either side of your focal point. It's a portrait lens, so I thought it time for a couple of formal type portraits - so here they are, though you'll have to click on them to see the effects of a f1.8 aperture with sharp eyes and softening in front and behind. Aiden is such a poser it takes a sec to get a couple of sharp pics. Ev's not iterested, and is always on the move - so you have to resort to animal sounds and that sort of thing to get him focused. The 50mm is also slow to focus, so clearly not designed with little kids in mind. You can of course get a lighning fast focusing thing, but it comes at the price of a small second-hand car. The mould thing I'm going to have to make a plan about - the humidity is regularly - perhaps during the rainy season, permanently - out of the recommended operating range of my camera. Some people buy dehumidifying cabinets for their cameras, I think my preferred African version of that is going to be a big plastic box with a pile of old newspapers at the bottom.

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