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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Evan starts nursery school

On Wednesday Ev started nursery school. We decided to put him into the local system, because there was not a morning place for him at the kindergarten that Aiden went to, and also because we think it offers the best possible opportunity to learn Cantonese. He was not especially happy about being off to school - nor about his new, very local school system uniform. The part you can’t see is that the shorts are hoisted extra high by the braces which are hidden under the waistcoat; he drew the line at the bow tie however, so that had to be abandoned (no, not kidding about the bow tie). By the time we got to the school which is in Hang Hau village housing estate, he'd not warmed up a whole lot, despite being on a solo outing and in the "mini" which he really likes. Ange took him into class and I hung with a couple of oldies from the estate in it's "sitting out area". When he could make a break from the table and check out some of the toys he seemed quite a bit happier - I sneaked this pic through the doors of the classroom while Ange was getting a chance to practice her own Cantonese listening. Click on the pic and count the English words you can see. We'll see how it goes - hopefully he'll settle in - I do think the language will be invaluable for him.

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