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Joshua Online is the web version of Joshua van Rooyen's personal magazine, Joshua International.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Home made studio

Today was a pubic holiday in Hong Kong - fab. Jens set up a mini-studio arrangement in his lounge so that we could practice with lighting for a fundraising job we hope to do in December. I've enjoyed starting to learn the whole lighting thing, but also frustrating at being a total novice; I think I underexposed most of the shots I took today - that's why the white background (we used is a big roll of white paper hanging on the curtain rail) has got a blueish grain to it - it will be pure white next time round. The little snappers - Ev and Freija - were tricky to manage, so the bulk of the photos that worked were of Aiden - who was as always up to putting on a show for the camera - super helpful. The t-shirts the kids are wearing, which have a pirate flag on them, were made by Jens using a skull and crossed shrimps image that I made for the boat race we are doing next week. Our team is called the black shrimp because we used to have a floating deck in the bay called the black shrimp. The police towed it away after a year or so though, because it was not a registered boat. Camilla, Jens' partner, in the photo above, sources and manufactures goods in China, so she is making sailing kits which have this black shrimp logo on them. She's totally committed to detail, so she's even had the label inside the neck of the shirt made with the logo. They are going to be very groovy.

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